RTC Discount ID Card

Regional Transit Connection (RTC) Discount ID Card
The Regional Transit Connection (RTC) Discount ID Card is available to persons with qualifying disabilities. You may use the card as proof of eligibility to receive discount fares on fixed-route, rail and ferry systems throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The RTC Program does not apply to Paratransit services. For more information, including processing locations, visit www.511.org.
Goodbye Sticker, Hello Clipper!
Regional Transit Connection (RTC) cardholders can now receive discounted bus fares by uploading AC Transit Monthly passes onto RTC Clipper Cards. Instead of going through the hassle of purchasing stickers each month, RTC cardholders can quickly upload discounted monthly passes onto their Clipper Cards.
Monthly stickers will no longer be used after December 2022. RTC cardholders can easily make the transition from monthly stickers to monthly passes starting today!
Here’s how it works:
Step 1:
Purchase an AC Transit Monthly Pass.
You can visit any Clipper sales location including AC Transit & Clipper Card Customer Service Center for assistance with uploading passes onto your RTC Clipper Card. Also, RTC cardholders can use Online Clipper Card Accounts to automatically purchase discounted bus passes with a mobile phone or computer.
Step 2:
Tag the Clipper Card Reader with your RTC Clipper Card upon boarding your AC Transit bus.
You will not need to show your RTC Discount ID to the bus operator. You will automatically receive the same discounted fare that would have been offered using a sticker.
Apply for a RTC Discount ID Card
- BASIC ELIGIBILITY: If you are eligible under one of the "Basic" categories noted below, you may apply under that category. "Basic" eligibility does not require medical certification. To qualify for Basic Eligibility, bring original documents of one of the following with your application: Complete the Basic Eligibility Form if you meet one or more of the following criteria:
- You have Medicare Card;
- You have a valid DMV placard;
- You are a qualifying Disabled US Veteran;
- You have a current disabled cardholder from another transit agency.
- MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY: To qualify under "Medical Eligibility," you must be certified by one of the State of California licensed professionals described below:
- Licensed physicians with an M.D. or D.O. degree, licensed physician's assistants and nurse practitioners may certify in all categories in which they are licensed to diagnose
- Licensed chiropractors, categories 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Licensed podiatrists, disabilities involving the feet under categories 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Licensed optometrists (OPT), category 9
- Licensed audiologists (AU), category 10
- Licensed clinical psychologists (PSY) and licensed educational psychologists (LEP), categories 15, 16 and 17
- Licensed Marriage and Family Counselors (MFT), and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), category 17
Complete the appropriate sections of the Medical Certification form. Sign the application in two places: 1) to authorize your doctor to release information, and 2) to indicate your acceptance of RTC Program terms. If your application is not signed in both places, it cannot be processed and will be returned to you.
Bring the Medical Certification form to your "Certifying Professional." The Certifying Professional must complete the form and mail the green copy to the Discount ID Card Program Office at the address shown on the form. Your application will be considered incomplete unless the certifying professional has returned the form.
Keep the other copies and bring them with you when you have your photo taken. It is recommended that you have the form completed before submitting your application. If your doctor has not completed his/her portion of the form, the process could take more than 21 days.
Photocopies of the medical application are not accepted under any circumstances. To obtain a Medical Certification Form, contact AC Transit Customer Service at (510) 891-4706 (TDD 510-428-2266) or email CustSvc@actransit.org to have the form mailed to you.
Effective for new and renewal RTC cards issued starting January 1, 2020: If you have a “P” (indicating permanent disability) on your card and you applied for the card using the Medical Certification form, you do not need to renew your card. You will be given the opportunity to update your contact information and photo every five years.
If you do not receive a mail reminder you can download and complete the Renewal Application and bring it along to AC Transit for processing. You may also mail your completed application to the RTC Central Processor:
P.O. Box 7006
Stockton, CA 95267
Replacing Lost or Stolen Cards
Complete the Lost Card Application and bring it to AC Transit for processing. Fee is $3.00. You may also mail the application or a written request for replacement to:
P.O. Box 7006
Stockton, CA 95267
Be sure to include your name (as it appears on your card), card identification number (if you have it), date of birth and current address with a written request. You must include the $3 payment in the form of a personal or cashier’s check. Do not send cash.
You will receive a replacement card by mail within 7-10 business days. We are not able to issue a temporary card in the interim.